home sweet home

Ahhh finals are over! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders because…. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO THAT IS SCHOOL-RELATED FOR A WHOLE MONTH!

Omg. What will I do with all that time?

Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest.

Just kidding…

Well maybe. I am sort of addicted.

Wanna see some of my favorites?! I know you do! 😉


golden sparkles

omg stop it now. jaw to floor.


i'm making this.

superdog to the rescue!

also will be making these.

spaghetti squash with spinach, feta, basil & white beans! yummz

words of wisdom


colorful cake

cannot get over how freakin CUTE this rat is. yes, i said it rat = CAYYUTE.


If you don’t have Pinterest, I would definitely recommend getting it if you enjoy being easily distracted, are feeling hungry, or want to let your creative juices flow and get crafting! I tell ya, after spending an hour on pinterest looking at DIY things, I always feel the urge to craft. I guess this break is my time to do that! You have to be “invited” to Pinterest (no idea why) so if you would like to be invited shoot me an email and I’d be more than happy to invite you!! My email is blondiebakesandbikes@gmail.com. And don’t blame me if you become an addict ;).

Ahhh, I love being home!!! Recipes and more posts to come…

peace & love


20 responses »

  1. So jealous you’re home! I will be in two days! I have to admit I am also a Pinterest addict 😉

  2. Pinterest is so addictive! I love the gold shadow – and Ryan Gosling is just a dreeeeam!

  3. I wish I could be a pinterest, but I don’t have an account.

  4. Elizabeth Lundeen

    best post ever! made me smile, just like you always do!!!!

  5. I’m addicted to pinterest too! The dog ones made me burst into laughter! I wanna make those head bands this week:)

    • Hehe I know! Sometimes I’ll be looking at it somewhere quiet, and I’ll have to stifle my giggles. The animal pictures are so funny!!! They’re actually bracelets made with washers! But I know, I’m dying to make them!

  6. Hahahha!! i’ve set up a Pinterest account…have I logged in?? NOPE! I have no idea how to work it or what the point of it is…jeez…where have I been??? LOL!!

    You’re lucky to have some nice relaxing time to yourself, you deserve it!


    • Oh my goshh yes I know what you mean though! I tried setting one up for my mom and for some reason it wasn’t working for her! Maybe that’s a good thing though because I think she’ll will DEFINITELY get addicted haha.

      Thank youu :)!!!

  7. I totally feel ya! It feels SOOOO good to be DONE with finals and this semester! YAY!!
    I’m ADDICTED to Pinterest as well! Hope you have a great Christmas break! 🙂

  8. recipeforabeautifullife

    Cute blog! Looking forward to posts on the crayon art and braided bracelets.


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